Quality, Safety and Sustainability Accreditation
UKD aim to operate to the highest standards, seeking continuous improvement in the safety and efficiency of all aspects of our operations, in order to provide optimum performance for our customers, their clients, the wider marine user community and the environment.
At UK Dredging the health, safety and wellbeing of all those working for us and all those affected by our undertaking is of great importance. We are committed to working safely and sustainably and we recognise our obligations to our neighbours and the environment. We are conscious of the potential dangers posed by the industry in which we operate and strive to achieve zero accidents and incidents through risk management, a robust safety culture and consistent standards throughout our fleet.
In order to ensure that our Management System meets these high standards, we have achieved accreditation to various regulatory frameworks governed by the Maritime Coastguard Agency, Marine Management Organisation and in accordance with the ISO Standards. We are regularly audited to prove compliance and to help us maintain our commitment to these standards.

Cert No 6401 QMS 001
At UK Dredging, our commitment to our customers pervades everything we do, we seek to provide a customer focused service whilst delivering dredging, surveying and marine works to the very highest standard. UK Dredging’s Quality management system is accredited to the ISO 9001 quality management standard.

Cert No 6401 EMS 001
UK Dredging have undertaken operations in a number of environmentally sensitive locations, including; Marine Special Areas of Conservation (SAC’s), Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and a variety of Marine Mammal Habitats.
The removal and subsequent placement of material in the marine environment is a matter of considerable environmental sensitivity, governed by strict regulations and undertaken in accordance with individual Government Licences. In view of our close interaction with the sea bed and marine ecosystems, UK Dredging take their responsibilities in regard to environmental and ecological consideration very seriously.
UK Dredging are passionate about minimising the environmental impact of our works and have established a voluntary Environmental Management System which operates in compliance with the ISO 14001 standard.

Cert No 6401 OHS 001
Our Occupational Health and Safety Management System is accredited to ISO 45001:2018 Standard, demonstrating UK Dredging’s continued commitment to health and safety.

Cert No 6401 NRG 001
In line with our commitment to protecting the environment and providing efficient and cost effective operations to our customers, UK Dredging achieved accreditation of our Energy Management System to ISO 50001. This compliance ensures that our energy use is managed effectively and improvement targets are established, monitored and achieved.

UK Dredging’s Management System complies with the requirements of the International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention (ISM) Code. The Management System’s compliance with the ISM Code is verified through regular audits of the Management Office and Vessels by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency.